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From West Egg to Web: Gatsby's Digital Revival

From West Egg to Web: Gatsby's Digital Revival

The journey begins by blending classic charm with cutting-edge web magic

- - Reading time of 1 min




130 words12 sentences8 paragraphs



I recount the lessons learned while setting up GatsbyJS framework as the technology to power this blog. I had no prior experience with this JavaScript framework, but I decided on this technology because of its taunted SSR and SEO capabilities. Along this journey I discovered pros, cons, and the choices I made to get this blog up and running.

I recount the lessons learned while setting up GatsbyJS framework as the technology to power this blog. I had no prior experience with this JavaScript framework, but I decided on this technology because of its taunted SSR and SEO capabilities. Along this journey I discovered pros, cons, and the choices I made to get this blog up and running.

It all started with an idea

I had a small idea in mind: set up a simple blog using statically generated content that could be deployed on my traditional webhosting space. I wanted to use Gatsby because it seemed like a good fit for my needs. I had a few requirements:

  • static generation of content;{.list-group-item}
  • SEO capabilities;{.list-group-item}
  • customization friendly;{.list-group-item}
  • improve my practical knowledge of JavaScript framework;

(Wikipedia Link)

echo "Hello World"
exit 0
const foo = canonical || default;
let x, y;`foo: ${foo}, x: ${x}, y: ${y}`);

Emanuele Fabrizio

Profile picture of blog's author Emanuele Fabrizio

Written by Emanuele Fabrizio, a culinary virtuoso and former military officer who traded camo for a chef's hat. Residing in München, he orchestrates symphonies of flavor, blending air traffic control precision with gourmet artistry. Fluent in four languages, this tech-savvy epicurean is dedicated to crafting accessible websites, ensuring everyone can savor the digital world as easily as they do a perfectly cooked Italian dish..