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Emanuele Fabrizio's Headspace

  1. By ~ ~ 15 mins

    Have you ever closely examined the responses generated by ChatGPT? Have you noticed any difficulty in validating the quantitative results produced by the system? I have, and here I present you my reflections and analysis of a full transcript. I highlight potential issues, such as inconsistent language, unclear handling of ambiguous requests, incomplete data management, and overly simplistic responses. My intention is not to ridicule this tool, but to expose ChatGPT's limitations in providing professional, detailed answers in a multilingual context when compared to a regular human being.

  2. By ~ ~ 1 min

    I recount the lessons learned while setting up GatsbyJS framework as the technology to power this blog. I had no prior experience with this JavaScript framework, but I decided on this technology because of its taunted SSR and SEO capabilities. Along this journey I discovered pros, cons, and the choices I made to get this blog up and running.

Profile picture of blog's author Emanuele Fabrizio

Written by Emanuele Fabrizio, a culinary virtuoso and former military officer who traded camo for a chef's hat. Residing in München, he orchestrates symphonies of flavor, blending air traffic control precision with gourmet artistry. Fluent in four languages, this tech-savvy epicurean is dedicated to crafting accessible websites, ensuring everyone can savor the digital world as easily as they do a perfectly cooked Italian dish..